Sunday, 29 April 2012

A Dearly Remembered Age

An era to be clearly and dearly remembered.

Nuclear Family

Its safe to say the Britain has changed since the fifties 'where children were aloud to play in the street with their friends and were safe, climbing trees skinned their knees and ripped their clothes, got into fights and nobody sued anybody. Sweets were a treat, and not a part of lunch. In this age this wouldn't be seen, a families values have changed due to the stresses of the economy that the government have recognised in Britain today.

Having recently read an article written by David Kynaston via the Daily Mail, he highlighted the ups and down of being part of this generation and identified that there was a strong conformist ethos 'The most important thing in life was to blend in and get on with everybody,' would you say people today have the same ethos?
I've learnt from reading this article that the values that the Baby Boomers were brought up with have reflected there buying styles today, when buying products they are more aware of the prices and will consider the need over the want aspect when purchasing a product. As they were brought up with rationing post war and so were thankful for the things the got.

Friday, 27 April 2012


Introduction to Generation 1946- 1964

A Baby Boomer is born during the demographic post World War II, during the years of 1946- 1964. The Boomers are known to be associated with privilege as many grew up in a time of widespread government subsidies in post, over time the standards of living have improved with the advancement of education within the 50s. During the 50s t.v. became the dominate media, in this time almost every family home had a t.v. Televisions became the public source of news and was seen to be very influential. 



This population chart shows that overall 33% of the U.S. in 2007 were from the Baby Boomers generation, which shows that the rise in families having children have had a long lasting impact on the economy still to this day.